What’s NEW at Dyne?

Well, we are finished with the first quarter. We Minnesotans are sure looking forward to spring weather, it snowed again this week! What has happened at Dyne so far in 2018? 

  • The women of Dyne were featured in FPC’s article Women in the Sprinkler Industry in January.
  • We posted a few articles and videos regarding sprinkler loading and paint as well as alcohol resistance in firefighting foam and plan to do more this year!
  • Our staff exhibited at the Sacramento Valley AFSA Trade Show in March!
  • We added a NEW Chat feature to the dyneusa.com website.
  • Dyne was accepted by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) as an independent laboratory for foam analysis.
  • We also started a Dyne Wellness Program for employees which includes: a new water cooler, walking breaks, recipe sharing, healthy meeting lunches, and more. Have a wellness tip, recipe, or article to share? Email us at lab@dyneusa.com or log on to the website and start a chat with us!
  • We exhibited at the MN Fire Marshall Conference yesterday

What’s in store for Dyne in 2018?

  • We will be exhibiting at the AFSA show in Washington, DC in October.
  • Stay tuned for more informative articles and videos – coming soon!
Joan Leedy, Technical Director

