We strive to make our testing process easy for you. Here are some tips to help you fill out the foam/antifreeze sample return form. If you ever have questions while filling out a sample return form, please email us or call us at (651) 917-0644, and we can answer any questions you may have.

Please Do:

  • List the job name or number
  • List the total samples within this job (if there are multiple boxes please indicate that in the Total samples within this Job:________ Box_____of_____Boxes field)
  • Complete the all the sections highlighted in red including the “Send Results To” section in its entirety
  • List a Purchase Order or Credit Card Information (if CC is kept on file, please note "on file" on the paperwork)
  • Check only ONE of the boxes for each sample. Each bottle is either a Concentrate, Solution, Water, or Antifreeze
  • Check only ONE of the Foam Types (AFFF, FFFP, Protein, High Expansion, Wetting Agent, or Other)
  • Check only ONE of the corresponding Concentrations (1%, 2%, 2.75%, 3%, or 6%)


  • Check only ONE of the AR-Foam Types (AR-AFFF, AR-Protein Based, AR-FFFP)
  • Check only ONE of the corresponding Concentrations (1 x 1%, 1 x 3%, 1 x 6%, 3 x 3%, 3 x 6%)
  • Always list a Tank# or name so that your sample is identifiable for retesting during your annual test

If you are sending a solution to be tested for percent concentration, DO send a concentrate in order for us to mix our standards for comparison.

Please Don't:

  • Check all the boxes for a single sample. If multiple boxes are checked for Sample #1, we will not know what the bottle contains or how to test the sample.
  • Check both a Foam Type and an AR-Foam Type
  • Check a Concentration under the Foam Types and the AR-Foam types sections


  • Entering a manufacturer, product, lot number, and/or purchase date may be helpful for testing, but it is not required
  • Selecting Tank Sample Point (Top, Middle, Bottom, or Composite) may be helpful in determining what the issue could be if the sample fails, but it is also not required
  • Selecting the Storage Condition is not required

Online foam sample return form. Our online sprinkler return form has been working well for both customers and staff, so we thought we’d implement it for our foam customers as well. Stay tuned for further details. Interested in Pilot Testing the new online foam/antifreeze/dry chemical form for us? Contact Us at jennie@dyneusa.com.

